Where Donations Go
Donations to the Lincoln Theatre program help in great ways to make the show happening in January. They go towards all design elements of our production: Costumes, Sets, Props, Licensing, Printing costs, etc.
Please consider the value of the Lincoln Theatre Program education, over 100 hours of instruction, and make your contribution today!
Donation Suggestion
We are encouraging a donation of:
$200 per student enrolled in the Performance and Stage Management classes;
$100 per student enrolled in the Tech and Design class.
We accept donations by check. Please write "Lincoln Middle School PTSA" in the order line and "Theatre" plus your "child's name" in the memo line. The Director or the Producers may take a sealed enveloppe.
Donations can also be processed online. Please visit the Lincoln Theatre Program donation page on the PTSA website.
Donation Tiers
Your donation will be acknowledged in our playbill in the tiers below. Any amount within the donation tiers is greatly appreciated.
We aim at 100% participation as parents support is key to get corporate sponsors support.
Prologue ($100-$199)
At the Prologue level, you will have your name in the play program, and one show gram for your performer.
Be Our Guest ($200-$349)
A Be Our Guest donor will get everything in the above tiers, plus a kudos message for your child in the program.
Something There ($350-$649)
As a Something There donor, you will get all of the items in the above tier, plus two complimentary seats.
No Matter What ($650-$999)
Donors at No Matter What will get all of the above but with four complimentary seats.
Transformation ($1,000 +)
As a Transformation donor, you will get all of the above but with eight complimentary seats.
After donating online, you will receive a payment confirmation by email from the Lincoln Middle School PTSA. Please forward it to us so we can accurately and immediately update our budget: